Gizmag news

Mouse engineered from ancient gene older than animal life

Scientists have engineered a hybrid mouse with a gene that predates all animal life. The team replaced a single gene in the mouse stem cells with a version from an ancient, single-celled ancestor, and successfully grew healthy live mice from it.

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Category: Biology, Science

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Fox nuts are now a hit superfood – yes, you read that right

If you've never heard of fox nuts, you'd be forgiven for assuming that they don't sound particularly palatable. But they're actually starchy seeds harvested from an aquatic lily and are being hailed as a versatile superfood, with recent studies supporting why they've been a powerhouse in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for 3,000 years, treating everything from obesity to high cholesterol and inflammation. And no foxes are harmed in the process.

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Category: Diet & Nutrition, Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & Mind

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Camera-packing AI wearable speaks out the sights to blind users

White canes are fine for helping blind users make their way down streets and hallways, but they certainly can't tell those users what objects, signs or scenes are in front of them. That's exactly what the Seekr is designed to do, however, using a heapin' helping of AI.

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Category: Wearables, Consumer Tech, Technology

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Gut-brain link: Restoring gut health improves long-term stroke recovery

Injecting a natural hormone directly into the gut reduces the cognitive impairment that accompanies a stroke in the long term, according to a new study. The findings add to evidence that a healthy gut means a healthy brain and pave the way for a treatment that reduces the chronic after-effects of stroke.

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Category: Stroke, Brain Health, Body & Mind

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Apartment-sized tiny house brings comfort into small living lifestyle

Canada's Rover Tiny Homes, the firm behind the Cypress, recently completed another non-towable model that offers a similarly spacious living experience. Named the Silvertip, it provides the kind of home comforts that you'd usually associate more with an apartment than a tiny house, including a large bedroom, a bathtub, and a dishwasher.

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Category: Tiny Houses, Lifestyle

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Men's testosterone levels don't influence sex drive like we thought

Upending long-held beliefs that testosterone levels regulate sexual desire, a new study has found that while the hormone plays a key role in reproductive success, elevated concentrations appear more intrinsically tied to 'courtship' – particularly in single men.

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Category: Biology, Science

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